Hello Hello good people of the internet.
Last week-end... Let's just say I couldn't muster the will power to work on the blog post. So this time, you'll get two weeks worth of updates.
Last time I left you with the assembly of the next commission which was for titanicus.
Let's get into it !
Starting by airbrushing, washing and finally, dry brushing the armature of the titans.
Following this...
The main colors !
Once this is done, the armor plates are glued on.
And I started to paint the metal trims.
Followed by a wash to outline them
And take them to completion
Following these guys....
The knights were also completed !
For it all to form one big familly ! With, of course, lots and lots of magnets.
Next in line was supposed to be mu own Khorne Daemons army of AoS BUT !
But, the next commission is for a long time customer and friend who is REALLY looking forward to it so I decided to put HIS need for plastic crack in front of MY need for a gaming army haha.
Meaning, Kingdom death is back on the table.
Still, quite a few more things to build.
So, that it for commissions of these two past week, Titanicus taking a LOT of time to paint.
To give you an indication, it was supposed to be a two to three weeks TOPS project.
It ended up taking a MONTH AND A HALF due to divers delays, and changes.
Last part is, as always, 3D prints.
And boy oh boy do I have a lot to share.
Starting by what I call, the fillers.
When I have some empty space on a build plate.... I fill the gaps with some of these dudes.
Clone troopers for Star wars legion.
The plan is to have a small legion of the 501st
But to get into the real deal...
The khorne army I was supposed to work on next, as mentioned above.
All of it 3D printed.
A bit is missing due to it being cured, sunbathing.
40 Bloodletters
9 Skullcushers
15 Hounds
1 Skull canon ( not pictures )
1 Herald
1 Mounted Herald
1 Three headed hound
1 Skulltaker ( no pictured )
1 Bloodthirster
1 Skarbrand
1 Belakor played as a demon prince or a bloodthirster
With all that... I think I'm good for an army haha.
And a few close ups on the major daemons.
So that'll be it for the week folks !
And remember, we are running a discount of Horus Heresy commission if you are interested :)