Before the painting even starts it is important to start on a solid foundation.
That is why a cleanly built model is important.
We start with a clean cut off the sprue followed by the removal of any visible mold lines and contact point between sprue and model.
We then drill the barrels of the weapons and finally glue everything together using professional, plastic melting glue for the strongest bound possible.
When it comes to resin we add a soap cleaning step in order for the paint to stick to the miniature.
Sometimes a heat treatment is also need to straighten twisted parts. as well as some putty work to fill gaps or burst bubbles.
Note : If you so desire, you can take care of that step yourself and send us the models ready to be painted.
If so, please refer to the bottom of the page for more details.
1 - 2 €
Anything between Ork Grots to Primaris space marines
2 - 4 €
Terminators, Centurions, Nobz
Titanicus imperial knights
3 - 6 €
Named characters and generals
5 - 10 €
Classic space marines bikers, Riders of rohan, thunderwolves
Titanicus Smaller Titans
( Warhounds - reaver )
10 - 15 €
Named characters and generals on mount, be it a bike, a horse, a wolf or other.
15 - 20 €
Rhino chimera, wave serpent, leman russ
Titanicus larger Titans ( nemesis , warlord )
20 - 25 €
Land raider, Impulsor, Battlewagon
30 - 50 €
Baneblade, tesseract vault
10 - 20 €
Carnifex, Dreadnought
20 - 40 €
Riptides, Imperial knights, Stompa,
? € Contact us
When it comes to forgeworld, we can't give you an estimate.
We need to look into it on a case by case basis due to the nature of their kits.
Sending us built models.
1 - If you decide to send us already built miniatures, please, do NOT glue any unmasked heads as we paint them separately.
Same goes with parts that are supposed to be a different color that the main one.
If you are unsure about what you are doing we encourage you to contact us.
For exemple.
Take a blood angel.
The armor is red, the helmet can be blue, white, yellow, etc and the shoulder pads are black.
Here it would greatly help not to glue the helmets and the shoulder pads.
2 - Please ensure that you cleaned the mold lines.
If you don't, we will have to do it ourselves and charge you for it on an hourly rate of 20€/h
4 - We encourage you not to add additional details on your troops.
Keep in mind we reserve the right to change the category and pricing of the painting for a model we deem has far too much details added. Of course this is for extreme cases.
Exemple :
Ammo pouches or grenades on space marines.
Pelts, teeth etc on space wolves
3 - Please, if you can, we strongly encourage you to use Revell Contacta Professional plastic glue or similar ( plastic melting glue )
We buy our stock of it on Amazon usually, it is not too expensive and is the best we have tried.
Or cyanoacrylate glue for resin and metal.
The painting process is quite fast and repetitive so Ticos' brain is usually switched to off during that time.
Clumsy as he is... It's not rare for the models to drop on the floor and break appart if the glue is not strong enough.
We are aware that, sometimes, the army is already built before you even consider having it painted professionally.
Don't worry, we can still work with that, understand that the painting quality might and most probably will take a slight hit.