Hello hello ! Past week I left you with a completed Space wolves army. So this time around, we start with a new project, new commission, one I've been exited for since it arrived at the studio. No army this time around, well, there will be some miniatures later on. Instead, terrains, some fantastic looking houses from Mini Monsters. So without further ado, let's get into things. First off The kits needed cleaning. Actually, no, not one single bit of cleaning was required as everything was absolutely perfect ! ( at least on the houses and other Mini monsters kits ) which left me VERY impressed. Some of the best resin kits I've had to work with. On the other hand, the land ship was utterly terrible and even after Hours of work is far from perfect.
Everything being built, time to start working on the paint job. I decided to start with the stone work. My instructions after I asked about the desired look, realistic, cartoonish, colorful, grim were " Lived in ". So I decided to opte for a somewhat realistic look. Starting with yellowish browns, working my way up to light greys to then paint some of the stone individually with different colors for a more striking and interesting look. Then blended the colors together with some more dry brush. For the lived in element I chose to add some moss. I also happen to really like green which pushed me to that decision.
The stone work done, I started the cob walls. Living in Normandy and having spent thousands of hours in fantasy video games, movies and TV shows, I had a pretty good Idea of what I wanted. So, about 4 shades of beige, browns and off whites later, here I was.
Time to get to the wood work. Airbrushed dark brown. Black wash Yellowish brown overbrush et finally grey dry brush and this was ready. This step took a fait few hours especially the last two parts but... the result is very, VERY close to what I wanted, so I call that a win. At this point of th process, things start to really take shape.
Next in line were the tiles rooftops.
I estimated a lot between red tiles and black slates.
In the end due to the shape of said tiles and the look I was going for I chose the red.
It would add color and a very nice contrast with the green I planned to ad as weathering later on.
So here we go.
A dark red base coat and a few dry brush of reds and flesh tones later, I was happy with the look.
Following this, Time came to work on the full weathering. Mixed some dark green and used it add moss and what a difference it made !
Now, windows are lacking, let's work on that !
That's fairly straight forward, I mixed gloss varnish, water and paint and applied three layers of that into each window.
I also did work on the metallic parts to get these to completion.
So. As said, the houses being done and having some time left in the week I started the next items. Signs, Tables for the black smith, walls.
And finally having still a few hours before the end of Friday... I started and almost completed the last part of terrain, the bridge, following the same steps as the houses stone work.
There is still a bit of work to be done on that bridge but it' motely done. That's it for this week ! A very good 5 days of work I'd say. That's it folks, I wish you a very nice week-end and I'll see you next week !