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2022 Week 4

Ti cos

So what has been going going on this week on the Ticos minis' work bench. Well, good progress was made. First of, the previous batch of terminators, agressors and so was completed.

Following that, a new group was started.... and completed too ! Yay for productivity ! This group was made of bikers and different kinds of Primaris marines. Thankfully, the Primaris are usually not filled with the overload of details regular space wolves are covered in, resulting in a much more pleasant and quick work.

Which ! Allow me to start working on a THIRD group this week.

The production so far :

This group being the dreaded wulfens. Why dreaded ? Well, if you've been following me for some times, you know I can't stop myself from complaining about space wolves and how much I hate them haha. Wulfens are the epitomy of the tasteless of the SW design to me. This is, of course, absolutely and utterly subjective, feel free to love them as much as you want. Anyways. Not only did the wulfens got started, they were also completed !

( Don't worry, I noticed the bionic eye being missing while reviewing the pictures, It's been taken care of ) This was indeed a very fruitful week, helped by the Witcher's audiobook, playing in my headphones. So, what is left to do for this commission ? Three Rhinos chassis with a combinaison of weapons. Two dreadnoughts About 15-20 small wolves Hopefully, I will managed to go through that during the week to come to then switch to an other project. See you good people next week ! Until, then have a good one !


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