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2022 Week 3

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Picking up where we left past week after a morning of packing up the World Eater and Lumineth commission. What happent this week ? Well, the first batch of 30 classic marines ( blood claws I believe ? ) are now completed, varnished and based, ready for battle. Following this, the second batch was started and is now well on its way. This batch is made of Terminators, thunderwolves, special characters, Aggressor ( ? ) and an other type of the "new" big primaris armor type of which... I don't know the name of. About this new group being painted, Base colors => done Metallics => done Most of the detailing = > done Faces = > done Left to do is the remaining details, the wolves for the cavalry, varnishing and finally the bases. All in all, they should be done early during the week to come. And, that's it for now, see you next week-end !


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