Here we go, another week has ended.
Not much has happened this time around.
Monday was spent finishing and touching up the Sisters and Inquisitors that you can now find in the 40K gallery.
Work week essentially started on Wednesday as I played Uber driver for me Mom on Tuesday but hey details, you don't need to know more haha. So ! Work... Starting the "next" project which happens to be the previous project... What ? Remember the warlord and two warhounds for titanicus ? Those :
They were only test subjects for a larger force. And it's time for that larger force to come onto the desk.
Some more are supposed to come still.
A starter box aswell as a Warmaster.
So depending on when they come in, I might just jump right into the next order or do a little something for myself while waiting.
Alright... back at the titans.
Assembly AND, of course, magnetization, ALL the magnetization ! All of it, even extra sprues !
I'm glad I have a price chart for that now days haha My god, that's a lot of work and the painting hasn't started yet !
With that... Some custom resin bases came in for this army. So, they are now painted
And a fitting test with the painted models ( which also gives better coloring and shading )
Looking good me'lord ! So, that's it for the commissions. BUT ! There is a but. As I want to introduce you to a 'tiny' project of mine. Yes just for you readers of the blog. I won't post about it anywhere until I make significant progress on it. See... I've wanted a Cerastus knight for a looonnngggggg time but could never justify dropping the price tag worth of money on one resin model so it stayed a " never gonna happen " thing. Until... Until, 3D printer goes Brrrrrrrr Got some files, started printing ONE castigator to go with my krieg army and realized, oh no... the shoulder pads are missing ! After asking for help finding said shoulder pads on a special place... SOME ! BODY ! Once ! Told me ! Erm... As I was saying, After asking for help on a special place... somebody sent me a link to... even.better.files for the same knight along... all the variants ! That, plus the picture posted by "little plastic people" of his own knight force in the past few weeks... That threw me over the edge and I decided on a whim to create a knightly house... There's going to be the three variants of the Cerastus and few "regular" knights, some Armingers and... a Warhound ! Maybe... MAYBE a Acastus Knight Porphyrion, if I can get my hands on the files. But enough talking. Pictures !
As you can see, for now, I got two Cerastus and 4 Armingers ( some parts missing on the pictures ) The third Cerastus is currently being printed.
Of course, these are for my personal use only, most likely they will sit in a display cabinet, never to be used haha.
But in no way will they ever be sold, now that wouldn't be very legal would it ?
So here we are.
That's it for this week.
See you next week-end !
In the mean time, have a good one people !