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2022 Week 13

Ti cos

Hey there folks ! Had to drag myself out of the bed to get to this. Been pretty sick all week-end, Hopefully it'll pass soon so I can get back to work. Still, here is the week's production. Let's start with the Titans. First I was asked to add some texture to the grey parts instead of keeping the clean airbrushed blending.

Followed by painting all the metal parts.

Following that... Let's glue everything together !

I was then asked to add a few spots of color here and there on the warlord.

Add some decals

Add some glow to the plasma weapons

Annnnnnddddd there are completed ! Finally, I spent about three time the time I planned initially on these haha Thankfully the owner of the army gave his approval and greenlit the full force as this was just a test.

Next order ! Some Nurgle. grand Papy hadn't show up at the studio for quite some time.

After building everything, airbrush time !

Add some metallic drybush over the rust

Some more detail, varnish and, saved the best for last, some disgusting viscous yellow liquid coming out of the pores and other wounds.

Sooo, that's it for this week. Have a good one ! Now. Back to bed.


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