Here we go another week of work done. First of. During the past week end I edited an entire video to create a Time lapse of the painting process for the Thundarjaw, that took me the better part of a day to then realize once it was exported that... It had a HUUUGGGGGEEEEEEE watermark right in the middle of the video which make it, unusable haha Go me !
MONDAY ! Starting with the completion of the Ghosts of Gaunt Friday I left them about half way to being done. First thing I did was complete the capes with the camo pattern. For that, lots and lots and lots of tinny dots, grey, brown, green.
Above, I also washed the metal. Then I... drew the rest of the F*cking owl haha Meaning I Did the bases, finished all the details, corrected a few thing, varnish the paint job and finally added the mud.
All I can say is, I'm EXTREMELY happy with how they turned out.
At the point where I would like to keep them for myself instead of sending them back haha.
SO !
Yet another small project completed.
To stay on theme with the imperial guard.
Past month I printed this magnificent Krieg commissar in 75mm for my own collection and decided to get it all painted up.
First, I started by building the base. I drew my inspiration from the siege of Vraks. Two years ago when I painted my Krieg Tanks at the beginning of the first lock-down I listened to Arch's narrating of that whole campaign on youtube and that taking of a certain bunker ( or Armory I don't remember ) at some point in the trenches, really stuck with me. So I wanted a mix of rubbles and mud, because you always need to have some mud with Krieg.
Then... I got into the heat of things, starting with the coat
A few details later, here we are :
At this point, I relocated my attention toward the base for a bit.
After a few touch ups, adding the dust and mud on the cloak and finishing up the last details... That piece is... DONE.
There is still ONE thing I want to do with this.
Add one HUGE banner behind him.
I feel it would really complet his pose and add to the heroic feel of " we just captured that vital objective "
Alright... NEXT.
Another small project !
This is a "test" for a larger Titanicus force there is
A warlord
Two Warhounds.
Of course... Fully magnetized. haha
Thankfully, the larger armies will come back in a bit.
These will be completed on Monday before moving to the next project !
In the mean time... Have a good week end !